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Introducing the Lorenz Motors Dronecars – the Future of Mobility


So far, aerial vehicles have only existed in the realms of science fiction and fantasy. The advancements that have been made over the last ten years, on the other hand, are bringing the actuality of this vision even closer. Although it is still in its infancy, urban air transportation is expected to see widespread adoption of autonomous aircraft by the year 2040, according to Morgan Stanley Research. Nowadays, more than 200 businesses across the globe are developing electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, thanks to large investments in the sector.


Emerging as the ultimate phase in the evolution of mobility, Lorenz Motors dronecar is a data-driven, fast-moving flying aerial robot. Lorenz offers items that help users campaign for the legality of dronecars before the introduction of the dronecar. This white paper will uncover the various facets of why dronecars are the future of mobility, further exploring their cutting-edge features and benefits.


Exploring the Need for Revolutionary Transportation


Overuse, high traffic congestion, and roadway deterioration are wreaking havoc on the surface transportation system. Rather than pursuing the conventional agenda of infrastructure growth, modern transportation should introduce novel solutions to the aforementioned problems. Current strategies for addressing these problems include the progressive adoption of various developing transportation technology, such as autonomous motor vehicles for human transportation and unmanned aerial aircraft.


Rapid urbanization is anticipated to be the primary factor driving demand for aerial mobility worldwide. In 1900, just 15% of the world's population lived in cities. Currently, 50% of the world's population lives in metropolitan regions, a significant departure from the past. By 2030, this proportion is anticipated to reach sixty percent of the world population. Large metropolitan populations cause traffic congestion, clearing the way for new modes of transportation that may skip land routes and save customers time. Hence, it should come as no surprise that the next frontier for human mobility in an urban context is definitely going to

be in the air.


As estimated by Fortune Business Insights, the worldwide market for flying vehicles is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 58.1% during the forecast period, from $255.37 million in 2022 to $1.5 trillion in 2040. Furthermore, this growing market might also provide new economic opportunities in various industries. At the outset, flying vehicles might take market share away from traditional automobiles, aircraft, and public transit. Conversely, it may also make a whole new branch of commercial opportunities in various fields available. Stretching further the possibilities this emerging sector brings, one more optimistic scenario values the market at $2.9 trillion.


Recent studies on the mobility industry have revealed that during the next 10 years, the proliferation of digital technologies - and technological innovation in general - will dramatically transform the character of the transportation sector as well as the companies that are closely tied to it. Since they are destined to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day lives, drones are one of the fundamental technologies that underpin this current industrial revolution.


In addition, their potential is extensive, beginning with the option of using these cutting-edge technologies to function in potentially hazardous environments, which would enhance human safety. Moreover, they can carry out specialized activities, which may be done either for the general public's benefit or in favor of huge businesses. If there is one thing that will provide a significant obstacle for legislators, it will strike a balance between the interests of residents and customers for protection and the advancement of technological innovation.


Why is the Future of Mobility in the Air?


Overall, there are a plethora of benefits that aerial vehicles deploy:


  • Less CO2 Emissions


Approximately 30% of all carbon emissions originate from transportation, with 72% of those

emissions coming from vehicular traffic on roads (including automobiles, trucks, vans, and buses, among other road vehicles). Recently, researchers at the University of Michigan conducted studies to determine the greenhouse gas reduction that electric flying vehicles might provide. In some circumstances, they discovered that flying automobiles drastically decreased pollution. For a 100 km journey, a fully charged VTOL carrying four passengers emitted 52% fewer greenhouse gases than the typical gasoline-powered vehicle on the ground.


According to a survey by the World Economic Forum, for trips of up to 100 kilometers, aerial vehicles with one passenger might be 35% more efficient than a gasoline-powered vehicle with one passenger. This translates to electric aerial vehicles emitting 35% fewer greenhouse gases than gasoline-powered automobiles. Similarly, Physics Today reports that for 100 kilometers or longer trips, an aerial automobile with four passengers (including the pilot) would emit less greenhouse gas per passenger mile than an electric car with an average of 1.54 passengers.


  • Minimizing Traffic Pollution


Traffic pollution generated by motorized vehicles is one of the greatest issues in most contemporary cities. The vast number of automobiles, trucks and other vehicles competing for space on today's roads cannot be accommodated by roads constructed decades ago. Even while stationary, most land-based vehicles consume fossil fuels, releasing several hazardous byproducts. This contains compounds directly detrimental to human health, such as CO2, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen.


  • Greater Access to City Streets.


In the future, if the producers of these electric flying vehicles can make them functional in our cities, it will open the highways and streets for walkers and bicycles. Most people in our cities want these modes of transportation since they are clean and friendly. However, because they must compete with automobiles for space, it is now a hazardous and unpleasant experience. By creating extra space, highways may be converted into broad bike lanes or pedestrian boulevards, making cities more attractive and healthier places to live.


  • Less Expensive Infrastructure


Aerial vehicles will need just modest launch pads for take-off and landing instead of space-consuming runways. These launch pads are comparable to helipads, and the bigger "skyports" are less expensive to construct than roads, trains, or airports. It costs around $30 million to construct three kilometers of the airport runway and an additional $500 for every square meter of terminal space. However, the cost of constructing helipads begins at as low as $15,000, which is less than 0.05 % of the cost of constructing an airport.


  • Viable Options for Passengers


These flying vehicles have the potential to become an appealing and competitive alternative for traveling distances of more than 20 kilometers in the long run. This is because they need substantially fewer infrastructure investments when compared to existing air transportation systems. Compared to taxis, buses, metro lines, and train lines, the travel time passengers spend flying may be significantly reduced. They may be applied when the distance is higher than 25 kilometers, offering actual time savings and becoming the alternative for urban transportation that provides the quickest travel time. However, to acquire the position of providing the most rapid urban transportation, they need affordable rates and provide a secure traveling experience.


  • Enhanced Safety


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the United States estimates that 95 % of vehicle collisions are caused by human error on the road, while 54 % involve other vehicles. Developing and safely integrating VTOL into our transportation network would minimize highway congestion, leading to a drop in the number of cars on the roads and a corresponding reduction in the likelihood of collisions. And, looking to the future of VTOL, when these aircraft are automated, the possibility of human mistakes will be eliminated, lowering the possibility of vehicle collisions on the ground even further.


Exploring the Technologies Underpinning the Future of Aerial Mobility


Overall, several technological advancements are anticipated to be pivotal during the process of commercializing passenger drones:


  • Electric Propulsion


The development of electric propulsion technologies is anticipated to reduce the cost of passenger drones. Some postulate that purchasing or leasing a VTOL will reduce the initial cost since electric powertrains are simpler than gas turbines.


In addition, the price of batteries is anticipated to fall due to the increased use of electric power, resulting in passenger drones being a more cost-effective alternative to helicopter transportation. In the present context, the battery technology that is currently available gives short flight periods for applications that include VTOLs. However, as battery technology's energy and power density continue to advance, the speed of flight and the distance traveled will grow proportionally.


  • Self-Driving Mechanisms


Passenger drones will have cheaper operational costs due to self-driving technology and artificial intelligence, which will take over the work of pilots now performed by humans.


  • 5G Network


The 5th Generation Communication Network (5G) will allow passenger drones to have exact sight when traveling in tier 1 cities. The reception will be improved when the aerial vehicles travel through several high-rise structures thanks to this feature.


Introducing the Dronecar – the Revolutionary Paradigm for Transportation


At the forefront of this innovation, Lorenz Motors introduces the revolutionary concept of the

dronecar. Urban air transportation has to supply more than just planes and places if it wants to maintain its relevance. We will be able to link users, manufacturers, service platform providers, and policymakers within a cohesive system to build a smarter and more connected future in terms of urban mobility if we take a human-centered approach to advanced technology and combine it with that technology.


Considering these factors, we at Lorenz Motors believe that it is imperative to transition the conversation from the classic "flying cars" to a notion that encompasses all valences of this breakthrough technological prototype - "dronecars." Our lexicon adjustment is motivated by the fact that flying cars typically resemble helicopters and airplanes, whereas the dronecar represents an asset class of its own.


Uncovering the Features of the Lorenz Motors Dronecars


Lorenz Motors’ dronecar is a one-seat airborne transportation vehicle with weight and parking space restrictions. It contains safety redundancies as well as parachutes for emergencies. Furthermore, we introduce dronecar model kits for self-assembly and merchandising that help customers campaign for the legality of sky-based dronecars.


Our product is distinguished from the competitors in several ways. Due to the dronecar's ideal square shape, its flight dynamics and stability are enhanced. Tilt-rotors, although needing more energy, give riders a more comfortable ride. The 16-motor thruster design compensates for the added weight of numerous essential components and even increases the vehicle's speed. In addition, our premium design surpasses all rivals, including Porsche, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Tesla, among others.


The raw materials for the construction of Lorenz Motors dronecars are pushed through a production line that robotically assembles components. As a large portion of the design is tailored for our use case, a significant number of components would be manufactured in-house. Outside suppliers of computer processors may include Nvidia, Intel, and AMD. In addition, external suppliers are used to acquiring cameras, sensors, and other data-capturing equipment.


Bottom Line


Acknowledging the unprecedented potential of the next phase in the evolution of human mobility, Lorenz Motors introduces dronecars to streamline the potential of aerial mobility. Lorenz Motors brings dronecars to life by developing their design, feel, and functionality Manufacturers, fleet operators, infrastructure suppliers, and regulatory agencies must work together to pave the way for the commercialization of passenger drones.


Innovative uses of dronecar technology have the potential to transform the way societies function, similar to how the introduction of the internet and the first smartphone. In light of this, it is essential to reflect on people's understandings, considering their imaginations and perceptions, to study how the changes affect people's social lives.


We acknowledge that the development of viable technological solutions represents the most critical dimension of the large-scale deployment of dronecars. Better living circumstances, more freedom and autonomy: mobility signifies much more than the capacity to travel from A to B. Mobility is a fundamental need that has existed since the birth of humankind, and dronecars represent the ultimate expression of this dimension.


Moving forward, Lorenz Motors aims to deploy solid-state battery technology to increase flight duration. As one of our core ambitions, we aim to dominate the area for personal air transportation through our innovative technology. In this pursuit, we aim to provide the public with resources to assist them in advocating for the deployment of dronecars.

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Lorenz Motors Corp | Patent Pending 2023

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